Postcard with QR Code

Fully customizable for the needs of any nonprofit:

  • 9 inches (w) x 6 inches (h) postcard
  • Heavy cover stock
  • Back side is UV coated
This is a great postcard to get the word out for your next event or to drive people online for more information or to donate. The back of the card is a large image which will make your card stand out. The QR code is created from your data file, so each QR can point to the same thing (your website, a special event landing page, or your donation page), or each QR can be customized for each row in your data (like personalized URL's).

Notes: The QR cannot be deleted, so choose another package if you don’t need a QR.


Front Side Overview:
  1. The text in the left panel is approximately 25 lines of text - you should plan on around 175 words, depending on how large your font(s) are and how much space you like between lines/paragraphs. Note: you will have less words if you utilize the image in item 2 below so your text can flow around the image.
  2. This image is optional, if you’d like to supply an image for the left panel you can provide it, or select None to remove it.
  3. Customize the footer of the left panel using your website (pulled automatically from the Organization variables) or put in your own custom text.
  4. Your logo (or other image). The image height is approximately 1.1 inches tall and your logo will be sized to fit this space without distortion.
  5. Your Organization return address. These details are pulled from the Organization details, or you can supply whatever text you want in this location.
  6. This QR code uses the Package Code 2 field in your data file, and can be customized to use any of your data fields. The QR is built by NovaMail and you do not need to provide an image.
  7. This is a multi-line block of text designed for an attention grab, but could accommodate 5-6 lines of text amounting to 40-50 words.
  8. This image can also be customized to suit your needs. It will fit your image in the space provided without distortion.
  9. The address block uses your data file and cannot be altered.
  10. This divider-bar image can be hidden (image set to none) or changed to suit your needs. The bar is 0.2 inches wide and will fit your image in the space provided without distortion.
Back Side Overview:
  1. The back is one large image to accommodate whatever design you can imagine. The postcard itself is 9x6 inches and this side will fit your image in the space provided without distortion using an image ratio of 3:2.