One-Page Drop-Cut Letter

This drop-cut package gives you a distinctive look and features: ►8.5 x 3.75 2-sided response ticket with a credit card form on the back. ►beautiful 8.5 x 11 letter with color header and footer. For this package the back of the letter page is blank.
Fully customizable for the needs of any nonprofit:

  • 8.5 x 15.25 paper size: the letter is 11 inches long with an detached 3.75 inch response ticket. There is a cut-zone of 0.5 inches between the letter and the response ticket.
  • Closed-face #10 carrier envelope
  • #9 closed-face return envelope
  • Letter is one-sided


Outer Envelope:
  1. Replace this logo with your own!
  2. This is the return address. This information is pulled from the Organization details, or you can supply whatever text you want in this location.
  3. A big, bold teaser. Customize the words, fonts and colors any way you like.
  4. Use our image, use your own image, or set to none for a clean look!
  5. The address block is automated using your data and is ready to go. The intelligent mail barcode (IMB) will be generated after checkout automatically.
Letter and Response Form - Front Page:

Note: if you want a longer letter with your letter continuing to the back page, simply set the signature image on the front page to none (like in this example).

  1. Headline bar, this is an image block. This example uses a 5-pixel x 5-pixel of yellow-mustard set to Entire in the image block settings, to fill.
  2. Headline text you can customize with your own text, fonts, and colors..
  3. Participation text you can customize for your specific needs.
  4. This is the ask array. It is data driven and you can find the documentation for this here (opens in a new tab). It is variable by donor so you can ask in the right giving range for each person.
  5. The name and address of the donor so you can properly credit their account in your system.
  6. Codes that may help you as you process your gifts. If you have a scanner that automates gift processing, this line would typically include the donors account ID and also an identifier for this mailing. These can be driven from your data file. You can delete this text if you don't need it, or add a thank-you to the bottom of the response ticket.
  7. An image block you can customize for your needs. In this example, a QR code that would redirect to your donation page.
  8. Replace this image with your logo.
  9. Organization address. This information is pulled from the Organization details, or you can supply whatever text you want in this location.
  10. An image block for endorsement seals or other images you prefer. Set to "None" if you want this area blank.
  11. A text block to communicate additional information to your donor.
  12. A text block to contain a package code, should you need one. This would help you distinguish gifts to this package versus another, so you can measure performance in your CRM data.
  13. This pink area is for your visual aide only and will not print. This zone is cut off during production, separating the top portion (response ticket) from the bottom portion (letter).
  14. Headline bar, this is an image block. This example uses a 5-pixel x 5-pixel of yellow-mustard set to Entire in the image block settings, to fill.
  15. Replace this image with your logo.
  16. Organization address. This information is pulled from the Organization details, or you can supply whatever text you want in this location.
  17. Salutation, this comes from your data file, and if Salutation is missing, Dear Friend will be substituted automatically.
  18. This is the heart of the package, your letter. Be clear and tell the story of how your donors can participate in the good work you do.
  19. The date you want on your letter. It is blank in this example.
  20. This is the signature image. Use this signature to let your donors know who this is coming from. Set to None if you prefer to handle the signature using a font in the text block; or if you don't want one at all.
  21. Footer bar, this is an image block. This example uses a 5-pixel x 5-pixel of yellow-mustard set to Entire in the image block settings, to fill.
  22. Update this letter footer with your phone number, address, website, or whatever you'd like to say. The URL is auto-populated from your Organization details in your profile and can be customized with a specific URL for this campaign.
  23. An image block for endorsement seals or other images you prefer. Set to "None" if you want this area blank.
Letter and Response Form - Back Page:

Note: in this example, a 1-page letter was desired so the back page elements are not populated. If you'd like a 2-page letter, simply update the text block(s) and signature (if desired) on the back.

  1. A standard credit card form is on the back of the response ticket. Remember this piece is separated and the donor will return it with their gift.
  2. The right side of the credit card panel can be updated separately from the credit card form. This might be your logo, nonprofit endorsements, or even a reminder to give monthly.
  3. This pink area is for your visual aide only and will not print. This zone is cut off during production, separating the top portion (response ticket) from the bottom portion (letter).
  4. This package does not have a back page letter area, so no editing is allowed here.
Return Envelope:

Note: all return envelopes print in black only.

  1. This is your Organization's mail-receiving address. It comes from the organization details on your profile, but you can modify it here as needed.