NovaMail is the easiest way to create and send nonprofit direct mail.

Save time. Save money. Do more good.

Pick your format.

NovaMail has formats available to meet every type of nonprofit fundraising need from appeals to urgent grams (and more). New formats are being added regularly.

Add your own content.

You can use your own logos, copy, images and customize the content to match your specific needs. We provide pro-tips to maximize reader engagement and results.

Get it into the mail.

Once ordered, you’ll be in the mail
quickly! We provide you with a postal tracking report to track your
delivery status.

At NovaMail, we are all about breathing new life into direct mail.

About the NovaMail Team

We are direct mail and fundraising experts with direct experience working with hundreds of organizations over 30+ years.


At our core, we are committed to helping nonprofits unleash the power of direct mail to better engage with their donors.  We have produced and delivered hundreds of millions of direct mail pieces and that experience and wisdom powers NovaMail.

Printing and Logistics

NovaMail is backed up by a world-class printing and logistics network.  The same teams that serve national nonprofits are bringing that expertise to NovaMail.  We want all of our learning about how to do cost-effective direct mail to be available to anyone trying to connect better with their donors.


Printing and Logistics direct mail has always required extensive and expensive tools to do right.  Our team of technologists bring the best of cloud computing and modern application development to bear on this problem.

What Drives Us

We live in changing times.  The way people connect with one another, and the way that organizations build durable relationships with their constituents have changed radically.  We believe that direct mail can and should remain a key part of how those relationships are enriched.  The challenge has been that the tools, technology, and techniques required to execute professional quality direct mail have seemed out of reach or too expensive. Especially for smaller organizations with limited resources.  NovaMail is our attempt to change that.

You have a big mission.  You can't do it alone, and NovaMail is a big part of what we think is needed for your nonprofit to continue to thrive: a new approach that makes the incredible power of direct mail accessible to more organizations.

We want every organization to be able to send beautiful, impactful, and cost-effective communications using a workflow that works for anyone with a computer and internet connection.